TAURUS Smart Battery Discharge function – Save money, avoid risks and save the planet!
Are you running a business-critical installation like a datacenter? Following your maintenance program, you need to check the battery capacity by discharging the installed batteries, typically on a dummy load. This action strongly impacts the electrical installation and brings risks to the critical load.

In fact, normally the dummy load is rented and installed on a temporary basis. This means most often to switch the critical load on manual bypass in order first of all to safely connect the dummy load to the installation. This operation can require some time for the positioning and checking of the connection cables, and can also introduce some human errors.
So, not only the investment for renting and installing the dummy load is high in terms of cost and time, but also it introduces some potential risks of failure of the installation with possible issues finally to the critical load.
Taurus Smart Battery Discharge function removes all these negative points: no need to install any dummy load, no need to switch the critical load on bypass, neither during the preparation nor during the test phase!

This function is enabled by the reversibility of both inverter and rectifier stages of Taurus. Thanks to this characteristic, the energy of the batteries connected to one single UPS can be reinjected to the critical load through the other UPS present in the parallel system. The reversible rectifier of Taurus can be set to reinject a controlled amount of energy, thus realizing the battery test precisely.
And during all the test period, the critical load is always protected under online double conversion.
On top of all the savings in time and money, and the enormous risk reduction, the Smart Battery Discharge function brings another strong positive point: not a single kWh is wasted. All energy contained in the batteries is fully used by the critical load and no extra heat is generated anywhere… to protect and preserve our planet!